Sunday, December 2, 2007

Visual Studio 2005 Debugging Bug

I suppose one might say that the title of this entry is somewhat ironic. Regardless, I'm not bashing Microsoft. Indeed, I am actually very fond of Visual Studio and all the features it provides. The problem I recently encountered, though, was a bit of a nuisance. I've gotten in the habit of running the websites I'm developing with Ctrl-F5 to start without debugging when I'm fairly certain there won't be any issues. Internet Explorer opens a little faster and you can continue to edit in Visual Studio even if the browser window is still open. However, I occasionally encounter a flaw in my code during this debugger-less browsing and decide to start the site with debugging to get more details. Here-in lies the crux of the problem. If you forget to close the original browser window that was started with you were running without debugging, the new session with debugging will actually time-out with an error message that your action failed. Even if you then go back and close the original browser window, all subsequent attempts to run with debugging will fail in the same manner. Performing an IIS reset does not solve the issue. The only thing that seems to work is to close and re-open Visual Studio. At one point last week, I actually had to re-boot to get things working again. So, remember to always close any browser window previously spawned by Visual Studio prior to hitting F5 to launch the site you are developing with debugging enabled.

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